The Tools Needed To Be Anonymous
The Tools Needed To Be Anonymous

There’s a big gap between privacy and anonymity; in fact, the two have very different aims as well as different sets of tools. Being able to browse the internet privately is not that difficult to do, requiring only something like uBlock Origin installed, as well as the use of a private browser like Firefox. But... » read more

What Users Can Do When Windows 10 Comes To An End
What Users Can Do When Windows 10 Comes To An End

Recently, Microsoft announced that Windows 10, the world’s most popular computer operating system, is going to reach end of life in 2025. It’s not new news by any means, as Microsoft had announced that with the release of Windows 11, the previous iteration of the operating system would eventually come to an end.

Which Linux DE Is The Best Right Now?
Which Linux DE Is The Best Right Now?

In the world of GNU/Linux computing, there are a lot of different ways that a user might access their library of software. They could use a window manager, such as i3, Awesome, or Sway, which tend to be directed at developers wanting to gain the most control of their computer using their keyboard.

Why Facebook’s Meta Is Primed To Fail
Why Facebook’s Meta Is Primed To Fail

Meta was headline news when it was first announced to the world. The idea behind the platform is to create a fully virtual space, allowing people to socialise, communicate, work, and shop without having to leave their homes. While the idea itself is arguably not a bad one, especially as technology continues to advance, many... » read more

New Technology in 2022
New Technology in 2022

The coming year promises to be an exciting and unpredictable one in the tech industry. New start-ups are cropping up all over the world with interesting new ideas and inventions to showcase.

The Metaverse And What It’s All About
The Metaverse And What It’s All About

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made waves within the tech world recently when he revealed plans for a new kind of digital platform, known as the Metaverse. While it’s unveiling hasn’t been that much of a surprise given that many of Zuckerberg’s long-term plans haven’t exactly been a secret, it’s only now that we know what’s... » read more

Linux And The Future Of Computing
Linux And The Future Of Computing

When it comes to personal computing, Microsoft’s Windows currently controls the vast majority of the market share, with well over 75%. Next comes Apple’s ecosystem, and finally there’s GNU/Linux. Linux is almost as old as Windows, but was primarily aimed at the server space, which means that it took more a decade before it began... » read more

The Top Linux Distros Right Now
The Top Linux Distros Right Now

Windows 10 currently dominates the global PC market share and is used by the vast majority of the world’s people as their main operating system. But behind the scenes there’s another OS that’s just as old and has become the backbone of much of the world’s internet and network infrastructure: Linux.