Windows 10 is currently the world’s most popular computer operating system and has carved out the majority of the market share. It’s a powerful OS that’s gives people the ability to work, play video games, create art, and so much more. Over the last year, Microsoft has announced that they will be releasing a new iteration of their popular operating system: Windows 11.

Set to release at the end of 2021, Windows 11 will be coming with a lot of new features, some of which people are excited for, and others that have been heavily criticised. Here we will look at what to expect from the upcoming release of Windows 11.

It Will Offer Widgets

It isn’t the first time that Microsoft has dabbled with widgets, but in the past they didn’t become that popular. But with other companies, like Apple, putting a focus back on widgets, and it’s prompted a resurgence of interest among users. Windows 11 wants to take widgets to a new level, using a combination of Edge and artificial intelligence that will give the widgets a personalised feel, and will be able to fill the entire screen.

A New Aesthetic

Of course, every new version of Windows has a unique look, and 11 is no different. Turning away from the tradition of having taskbar icons to the left, this time around they will be centred, similar in many ways to Chrome OS, although the Start button may still be on the left. It might take users some time to get used to, and for those that don’t, it’s possible to manually change them back to the left.

Android Apps

Perhaps the most exciting update that could change the nature of mobile and computer integration is the native support of Android apps. This will give users the ability to launch and run their Android apps from their desktop, similar to how Chrome OS runs its apps. It should be noted that this isn’t a venture between Microsoft and Google. But rather one that sees the former teaming up with Amazon, and integrating their Amazon AppStore functionality in Windows 11, offering a range of apps for productivity at work or entertainment, such as online slots for real money. Excitement for this feature should be tempered, as Android apps running on computers has always been notoriously spotty, so it’s uncertain as of now just how well they will run.

The Downsides

Not everything is looking to be too promising about the new release, however. One of the most widely-voiced criticisms is that the operating system has extremely strict security requirements, such as a new type of TPM chip, which most modern hardware doesn’t possess. This means that the operating system will most likely not be available for computers that are even just a year or less old, and that it might force some to purchase new devices in order to make use of it.

This has had some backlash from the user community, and some feel that it might impact how popular the operating system will eventually be.

Last modified: August 16, 2021
